Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Swiss Do it Best

Between Barcelona and Berlin everyone on our trip had 6 days to travel absolutely anywhere they wanted. In order to satisfy my craving for mountains I chose to go to Interlaken, Switzerland. I fell in love at first sight. It's a small town nestled right in the Swiss Alps, with a large lake on either side, and a turquoise river running in between. The sun was out, flowers were in bloom, and the air was fresh.

A Round-a-bout in Interlaken
The first full day was spent relaxing by the lake on the east side of the town. It was about a 2 mile walk from our hostel. I spent the time skipping walks, taking photos of ducks, and drawing.

View from Beach

The town itself was full of flowers, cute buildings, and chocolate and swiss army knives shops. 1/2 price Swiss chocolate easter bunnies filled the stores.

Flowers Downtown

On Monday I woke up early to run along the river to the western lake, and finished the morning with a free breakfast at the hostel. Late morning we set out on a hike. Unfortunately I couldn't find a decent trail map anywhere. I had asked for suggestions at the front counter of my hostel, but I was encouraged to pay for a train to go to Lauterbrunnen, pay to take a cable car up a mountain, and take a short walk to a waterfall- oh, which I would have to pay to see as well. Instead I opted to head in a general direction, eyes open for trails, and go from there. I spotted one, which was pleasant for about 200 meters until it lead straight into a parking lot of a hotel. I spotted another trail which was actually legit, and took us to the top of a large hill over looking the town. Eager for more, I pointed to a mountain nearby and declared I wanted to hike up that one.

By heading in the general direction, we eventually found trails which led up my mountain of choice. Turns out it was a ridge which led to a trail much higher than what it originally looked like. We first stopped for a lovely picnic lunch.

Picnic View

We continued up, higher and higher, curious as to what was around each corner.

Distant Interlaken

On Top of the World
It was a beautiful hike, well worth the soreness in my calves that arose the following day.

The following day we took the train into Grindelwald. It was very beautiful, perhaps even more beautiful that interlaken, with a small mountain stream running through the valley besides the town, and gigantic mountains cuddling the buildings. Perhaps it's because I wasn't there for as long, or perhaps it was TOO beautiful, but Grindelwald just didn't grab my attention the way Interlaken had.

Mountain River

Our final day was spent gathering more chocolate, spending more time by the lake, and walking around Interlaken.

It was a wonderful trip, and I was extremely sad to leave the mountains. I appreciated the chance to escape back into nature and fresh air and take a break from cities. My mind was blown over just how easy it was to travel between countries.

The best things about Switzerland/Interlaken:

*The chocolate
*The brilliant color of the river and lakes
*Gorgeous place to run
*Taking a train through the mountains
*The overall beauty
*The gelato
*Fresh tap water
*Sitting by the lakes
*The Alps


  1. I absolutely love your photos and comments about Switzerland. What a heavenly place! Your hikes must have been thrilling with fresh mountain air and fantastic views. Love, MOM

  2. Wow, the flowers are nothing short of incredible, and okay, the snow covered peaks, teal lakes, low clouds, and charming buildings are pretty nice too. I'm definitely jealous of your midterm break Kaitlin.
