Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Productive 24 Hours

Wednesday (and Thursday) Dinner
Wednesday night I familiarized myself with the kitchen and made myself and a friend a delicious dinner (See above). Olive oil is extremely cheap here. We ate dinner on the rooftop "Refreshing Lounge" and watched the sunset.
Sunset from Roof
This morning, class was an hour shorter, so after a quick lunch back at camp I hit the Metro with three others to explore the older parts of the city. I mentioned before that the city is a labyrinth, no difference here. Each street led us to an even more beautiful street, and eventually always right back where we started.
More exploration happened once we got back and my friend, Haley, and I decided to head to the beach before dinner. We accidentally made a wrong turn, and stumbled upon a beautiful, gigantic park. We spent a long time basking in each wonder that we saw every time we turned a corner. We left after we took our share of photos and after a few more wrong turns (which led to a rack of delightfully cheap postcards) we made it to the beach two hours later than planned... but completely worth it.
One of the Ponds in the Park

Father and Daughter on a Boat in the Park
A Young Girl Enjoys the Park
One of the Trails (Good for Running!)


  1. I love the photo of the father and daughter in the boat and the little girl in the park. Your photos tell great stories. Nice job!. Love, MOM
