Wednesday, March 30, 2011

¡Hola Barcelona!

 One of the streets near downtown.
The view from my window.

I have reached day 3 of my stay in Barcelona.  I arrived with the majority of the students in my class Monday morning.  We flew in to the city briefly after the sun had risen which left me gawking at the beauty of the sky and sea. Since then I have tried some delicious seafood, walked in the midst of the city on La Rambla, had class, have taken the metro about 10 times, and went for a run by the Mediterranean sea.  Everyone here speaks Catalan, which is very similar to Spanish, but the endings of words are different.  For example "four cats" in Spanish is "cuatro gatos" while in Catalan its "quatre gats." I used this example because our professor treated us to dinner last night at a restaurant called "Quatre Gats," which was the restaurant Pablo Picasso hung out in the most during his time. As this is a photography trip, many of us had out cameras during the meal.  The waiter got a kick out of this and started doing crazy things to get us to take his picture, such as pose with his arms around students  shoulders, and take my headband and wave it above my head.
The weather here has been lovely, with temperatures in the 60s.  Tiny leaves are starting to appear on all of the trees.
Later this afternoon I have a tour of the Museum of Contemporary Art. Should be great!


  1. Live and love every minute!. I'll follow your blog.Great idea is your journal for forever.

  2. Look forward to keeping up with your travels. Have Fun!

  3. Love your stories and photos! Be sure to post it on Facebook to let others know. I want to see more. You're helping to expand my world. Love, MOM
